Another article about racism towards the Roma
Britain as the deep south is the title of an article by Heaven Crawley which details the worsening situation of anti-traveller racism. Explanatory note for non-Brits: Gypsies or Romani people are commonly called Travellers in Britain; there are also non-Romani Travellers, usually called "new age travellers." Some of the discrimination that the Romani experience is also directed at new age Travellers and this fact is used to justify the excuse that anti-traveller prejudice is not racism. I think this is mere semantics; it is a cultural discrimination, it is, for want of a better word, tribalism. It doesn't matter what you call it, some of the actions arising from anti-traveller-ism are barbaric and truly on a par with anti-black vigilantism experienced in the US. This also reminds me forcefully of what was done (is still being done) to the Dine (Navaho) and Hopi people in the American Southwest; they were also forced into inappropriate housing that destroyed their chosen way of life and broke their culture.